Monday, February 14, 2011

Two Divisional Units formed

NOINO has again done it!! It has formed units in Srinagar & Amritsar (both in NZ) on 13th February 2011. NOINO has developed a habit of hunting in pairs! This is the fourth time that NOINO has formed two units in a day. Earlier NOINO had formed two units in a day on the following occasions:-

 1. Varanasi in NCZ & Satara in WZ on 14.12.2008.
 2. Kharagpur in EZ & Vadodara in WZ on 27.7.2009.
 3. Bhavnagar in WZ & Shimoga in SCZ on 9.1.2011.

This is a clear indication of the growing clout of NOINO. The details of the formation of both units are given below:

Details of Srinagar Divisional Committee formation:
A meeting of NOINO members of Srinagar Division was held at Shriya Restaurant of Hotel Kranti, Jammu at 3.30 pm on 13.02.2011, in which Srinagar Divisional Unit of NOINO was formed. Shri S.B.Sharan, Zonal Secretary, NOINO, NZ was present during the meeting as Zonal Representative. The meeting was presided-over by Shri D.K.Bhat who initiated, run and concluded the proceedings of the meeting.

23 nos. of new members joined NOINO on the formation day of Srinagar Divisional Unit.

Shri S.B.Sharan, Zonal Secretary welcomed and congratulated the members on joining NOINO. He talked on formation of NOINO and achievements of NOINO (on All India level, Zonal level and also Divisional levels). He assured the members of full support from Central and Zonal leadership in the working of Srinagar Divisional Unit.

The Divisional committee was formed unanimously consisting of following office bearers:

 1Divisional President: Shri D.K.Bhat, AO, Jammu Unit-II; Mob. No.09906343009;
                                         Email id:
 2Divisional Secretary: Shri M.A.Wani, BM, SSO(CLIA), Jammu; Mob. No.09419299794;
                                         Email id:
 3Vice President: Shri R.K.Bhat, AO, BO R S Pura; Mob.No.09419201011
 4Treasurer: Shri Sunil Kaloo, AAO, Jammu Unit-II, Mob.No.09419184513;
                        Email id:
 5EC members: Shri C J S Salathia, Sr BM, Jammu Unit-II
                            Shri Dinesh Salathia, Sr BM, BO Udhampur
                            Shri Ramesh Kumar, AO(PS), DO Cell Jammu.

In his maiden speech Shri M.A.Wani, Divisional Secretary told that he believed in action instead of talking. He assured the members that NOINO Divl Committee would now look after the problems of Class-I officers of Srinagar Division.

Shri D.K.Bhat, Divl President thanked the participants for their presence in the meeting and forming Srinagar Divisional Committee of NOINO.

The Divisional Committee met Divisional management in the forenoon of 14.02.2011 in the presence ofZonal Secretary.

Details of Amritsar Divisional Committee formation:
A meeting of NOINO members of Amritsar Division was held at 4 pm on 13.02.2011 at Amritsar in whichAmritsar Divisional Unit of NOINO was formed. Representatives from NOINO, North Zonal Committee –Shri S.K.Saini, Zonal President & Sh.H.K.Dhiman,Zonal Vice President were present during the meeting. The meeting was presided-over by Shri Kamal Kishore who initiated, run and concluded the proceedings of the meeting.
Shri S.K.Saini, Zonal President congratulated the office bearers on formation of Divisional Committee and also spoke on formation of NOINO and achievements of NOINO (on All India & Zonal levels). Shri H.K.Dhiman also addressed on the achievements of NOINO & Working of Organisation.

The Divisional committee was formed unanimously consisting of following office bearers:

 1. Divisional President: Ms. Ravinder Malhotra, AAO, BO Amritsar-1; Mobile No. 09464020375;
                                    Email id-
 2. Divisional Vice President: Sh. Arun Kumar, AAO, BO Chheherta; Mob.No. 09463760065
 3. Divisional Secretary: Sh. Kamal Kishore, AAO(Prog), BO Amritsar-1; Mobile No. 09855614148;
 4. Divl Joint Secretary: Sh. Parveen Sharma, BM, BO Amritsar-4; Mobile No. 09780589194
 5. Treasurer: Sh. Sanjeev, AAO, Customer Zone, Mobile No. 09463413564
 6. EC members: Sh. Vijay Wadhwa, AAO, BO Ferozepur
                          Sh. Sanjeev Chawla, AAO, BO Tarantaran
                          Sh. Rajesh Manchanda, ABM(S), BO Amritsar-2
                          Sh. Ajit Dhir, ABM(S), Amritsar-4
                          Smt. Rakesh Bala, AO, Amritsar-4

                Sh. Tilak Raj, AAO, BO Tarantaran
                Sh. Anoop Maini, AAO, BO Ferozpur
                Smt. Sushma Arora, AAO, BO Amritsar-4
                Sh. Ravi Datt, AO(Sales), DO Amritsar
                Sh. Vivek Kumar, ABM(S), BO Batala-2
                Sh. Sudhir Mahajan, AAO, Customer Zone

An Introductory Meeting of Divisional Committee with Sr.DM was held on 14.02.2011 at 10.15 AM & with Manager (P&IR) at 11 AM in which the following office bearers were present:
     1.Sh.S.K.Saini, Zonal President,NOINO,NZ
     2.Sh.H.K.Dhiman, Zonal vice President,NOINO,NZ
     3.Ms.Ravinder Malhotra, Div.President,NOINO,Amritsar
     4.Sh.Kamal Kishore, Div.Secretary,NOINO,Amritsar
     5.Sh.Arun Kumar, Div.Vice President,NOINI,Amritsar.

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