Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Suggestions sought for Charter 2012

We are aware that our Charter is due on 1st August 2012. NOINO has already formed a charter committee on 21st November 2011 & efforts are already on to prepare a charter which will fulfill the aspirations of the Class I Officers in LIC. NOINO will submit the charter on 23rd July 2012, i.e. 8 days before it is due. 23rd July is the foundation day of Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh & it is customary for all BMS affiliated unions in LIC to submit it on 23rd of July in the year which the charter is due. The first meeting of our Charter committee is scheduled for 12th February 2012 at Pune.
    No Charter is complete without the suggestions of the cadre in which an Organization works. This is so because, the Organization should reflect the wishes of its members it represents. Hence, we welcome your valued suggestions. We request you to note the following:-

1. While sending your suggestions, these should be invariably with your name, cadre, cell no.(not compulsory but for convenience & contact purpose), place of work. The suggestions should be sent to g.kamath@licindia.com ; yn.murthy@licindia.com ; sb.sharan@licindia.com.

2. Please write point-wise & be very specific. E.g. if you feel that a wage revision of 25% is needed, then there should be a justification to back it, say corresponding increase in premium over the years etc.

3. Please also understand that whatever suggestions are made should not benefit only a particular region or a very small group. Attempts should be to cover as many officers as possible.

Please write to us on any of the above three mail addresses. The suggestions must reach us by 7th February so that your suggestions may be incorporated in the proposed charter-draft to be placed on 12th February before the charter committee for discussion.

The suggestions may be sent by any employee (irrespective of class & cadre) if they (the suggestions) do not pertain to a single class only.

Consumer Price Index

As per latest Consumer Price Index (197) increase in DA will be by 19 slabs w.e.f. 1st February 2012.

अप्रैल से हो सकती है पांच दिन की बैंकिंग

Dainik Jagaran, a daily news paper
Today's E Paper     January 31, 2012
सप्ताह में पांच दिन कार्य करने की श्रेणी में अब बैंक भी शामिल होने जा रहे हैं। इस व्यवस्था के अप्रैल से लागू होने की उम्मीद है। केंद्र सरकार ने अपने इस निर्णय से इंडियन बैंक एसोसिएशन [आइबीए], आरबीआइ व बैंक मुख्यालयों को अवगत करा दिया है। इस कार्य पर तेजी से मंथन शुरू कर दिया गया है। नई व्यवस्था के तहत शनिवार व रविवार को अवकाश रहेगा।

सप्ताह में पांच दिन की बैंकिंग के निर्णय के प्रति बैंकों द्वारा भी सकारात्मक नजरिया मिल रहा है। अभी तक जिन बैंकों के खुलने का समय सुबह 10 से शाम पांच बजे तक है, वह पांच दिन की बैंकिंग होने पर शाम छह बजे तक खुला करेंगे। इसमें ग्राहक सेवा का समय भी बढ़ेगा। अभी तक ग्राहक सेवा का समय चार बजे तक है। पांच दिन की बैंकिंग करने के पीछे मंशा पावर सेविंग के साथ-साथ अधिकारियों-कर्मचारियों को तनावमुक्त माहौल में कार्य कराना है।

संजीव नारंग, डीजीएम, सिंडिकेट बैंक ने बताया कि इंटरनेट बैंकिंग, मोबाइल बैंकिंग व एटीएम के युग में पांच दिन बैंकिंग करने की दिशा में केंद्र सरकार सही सोच रही है। इससे जो अफसर व कर्मचारी देर तक बैठकर काम निपटाते हैं, उन्हें कुछ राहत मिलेगी।

बीके पंडित, चेयरमैन, प्रथमा बैंक ने कहा कि यह प्रस्ताव कई साल पुराना है लेकिन कुछ बड़े व्यापारिक संगठन पांच दिन बैंकिंग के मत में नहीं हैं। अब इस पर केंद्र सरकार द्वारा तेजी से विचार किया है। जल्द ही पांच दिन बैंकिंग प्रणाली शुरू हो सकती है।

अजीत सिंह मान, एजीएम, इलाहाबाद बैंक ने कहा कि पांच दिन बैंकिंग करने का विचार केंद्र सरकार कर रही है जो कि सही निर्णय है। इस संबंध में बैंक मुख्यालयों को अवगत करा दिया गया है। अप्रैल से पांच दिन बैंकिंग में ग्राहक सेवा भी बढ़ाई जा सकती है।

Saturday, January 28, 2012

वसन्त पंचमी एवम् सरस्वती पूजा

वसन्त पंचमी एवम् सरस्वती पूजा की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ ।।


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Happy Republic Day..!!

We wish every Indian a very happy Republic Day..!! Please preserve it..!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

NOINO meets Current-in-Charge

          A NOINO delegation led by Shri Ganesh Kamath, GS, NOINO met the current-in-charge, Shri Dinesh Mehrotra on 24th January 2012 & discussed the following issues:-

  1. One more option for pension: - We once again raised the demand for one more option for pension to those who had not opted earlier. C-in-C said that it seemed difficult at this juncture as the government was not in favour of the same. NOINO, however, would like to assure all concerned that it will pursue this matter to its logical end.
  2. EFEAP problems :- We raised this issue for the umpteenth time & stated that the conditions in the branch were worsening & the employees were reeling under immense pressure. The system has slowed down which added to the cup of woes which was already brimming over. C-in-C was sympathetic to this issue & admitted that the problem was indeed very severe. He assured us that within a short time, most of the problems would be taken care of.
  3. Housing loan problems :- We pointed out that the onus of getting the things done was thrust on the employees in all the cases whether releasing subsidy or obtaining Income-tax certificate from HFL. C-in-C said that he would be immediately talking to the Chief (Legal) in this matter.
  4. Leased accommodation in NOIDA & Ghaziabad: - We pointed out that in spite of clear-cut instructions in the successive charters & instructions from CO, many officers in Meerut division were being deprived of the rent applicable in Delhi Metro city. C-in-C assured to look immediately in this matter.
  5. Sodexo coupon issue :- We again raised this issue about the non-acceptance of Sodexo coupons at supermarkets & departmental stores. We also reminded that we had offered three solutions, viz. a) cash allowance b) meal card by private institutions c) Meal card issued by LIC. C-in-C said that the management was seized of the matter & a solution would be worked out soon.
  6. Anomaly after computer increment: - We pointed out that this issue was pending since long & SBI had settled this matter in 1996 itself by granting one more increment to the affected officers. C-in-C seemed positive & assured to look into the matter.
  7. Recruitment in Class III: - We pointed out that the officers were under tremendous pressure due to shortage of staff & there was an urgent need for massive Class III recruitment. C-in-C said that after the Class IV recruitment process was over, the Class III recruitment process would start.
  8. Allowances/Incentives to CA’s & other officers having professional qualifications :- C-in-C replied that a separate channel for promotion was mooted for employees with qualifications like CA’s, MBA’s etc.
  9. Problems of Cashiers:- We said that due to the paucity of cashiers, the officers in the branch had to face the music or perform the job of cashier themselves.  We pointed out that we had offered two solutions to the paucity of cashiers; - a) Recruitment of Cashiers (instead of assistants) & b) creation of another cadre between Assistant & HGA to take care of the merger of allowance. C-in-C said that there were some legal issues involved in recruitment of cashiers (exclusively). However, a solution could be worked out in the next Charter, for recruiting Assistant-cum-cashier.
  10.  Highhandedness of Srinagar SDM :- We brought to the notice of C-in-C the arrogance & highhandedness of the SDM of Srinagar who has targeted NOINO activists & office-bearers in spite of their excellent performance by writing biased Confidential reports. We also pointed out that the SDM was deliberately ignoring NOINO & refusing appointment for redressal of the grievances of the officers. C-in-C took immediate note of the matter & assured to look into the matter immediately.

    NOINO will continue to follow-up all the pending issues till its logical conclusion.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Transfers/promotions of NOINO members/activists

Formats requisitioning the lists for promotions & transfers of NOINO members/activists have been sent to all the Zonal Presidents & Secretaries. The necessary guidelines have also been sent to them in this regard. The last date for submission of these lists to the Central Committee is 27th January 2012.

All those valid members / office-bearers whose promotions are due this year (probable batches already circulated) and also those who wish to take transfers and whose transfers are to be dealt by Central Office; and who wish that NOINO should follow-up their promotions / transfers, are requested to please furnish the data in required format to their respective Zonal Secretaries / Presidents as per the Zone’s circulated last date for the respective Zones. Valid members are those members who have paid up-to-date subscription-fees and also donations on arrears. Those who have not received the requisite formats etc. are requested to please contact their Divisional / Zonal office-bearers for the same.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

General Body meeting of NOINO Central Zone

A General Body meeting of NOINO Central Zone was held at Indore on 5th January 2012. Delegates from different Divisions within the Zone participated in the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Shri S.Nema, Secretary, NOINO. The main speakers were Sarvashri Naushad Ali, Rajiv Kalra and Vivek Verma. Following matters were discussed in the meeting:
  1. Transfers & Postings of officers within the Zone,
  2. Ongoing signature-campaign for one more pension option,
  3. Posting of NOINO office-bearers at respective headquarters, and
  4. Other miscellaneous matters related to Zone.

A fresh Zonal committee was also formed during the meeting with the following office-bearers elected unanimously:
  1. Zonal President: Shri Naushad Ali Sheikh, AO, Bhopal BO-4
  2. Vice President: Shri Rajiv Kalra, Manager(Claims), Indore DO
  3. Zonal Secretary: Shri Anand Jharia, AO, BO-Mandla (Jabalpur Divn)
  4. EC members: Shri Vivek Verma, AAO(Sales), Indore DO
                              Shri H.K.Singh, Principal(ATC), Ratlam (Indore Divn)
                              Shri Dilip Pandey, Dy Manager(BAC), Indore DO

Subsequently, on a later date next week, the Zonal Committee met RM(P&IR) and Secretary(P&IR) and apprised them of the formation of new Zonal Committee and also discussed the problems related with Class-I officers of the Zone.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

सच्चा आध्यात्मिक नायक स्वामी विवेकानंद

स्वामी विवेकानंद आधुनिक भारत के एक क्रांतिकारी संत हुए हैं। 12जनवरी, 1863को कलकत्ता में जन्मे इस युवा संन्यासी के बचपन का नाम नरेंद्र नाथ था। इन्होंने अपने बचपन में ही परमात्मा को जानने की तीव्र जिज्ञासावशतलाश आरंभ कर दी। इसी क्रम में सन् 1881में प्रथम बार रामकृष्ण परमहंस से भेंट की और उन्हें अपना गुरु स्वीकार कर लिया तथा अध्यात्म-यात्रा पर चल पडे। काली मां के अनन्य भक्त स्वामी विवेकानंद ने आगे चलकर अद्वैत वेदांत के आधार पर सारे जगत को आत्म-रूप जताया और कहा कि आत्मा को हम देख नहीं सकते किंतु अनुभव कर सकते हैं। यह आत्मा जगत के सर्वाश में व्याप्त है। सारे जगत का जन्म उसी से होता है, फिर वह उसी में विलीन हो जाता है। उन्होंने धर्म को मनुष्य, समाज और राष्ट्र निर्माण के लिए स्वीकार किया और कहा कि धर्म मनुष्य के लिए है,मनुष्य धर्म के लिए नहीं। भारतीय जन के लिए, विशेषकर युवाओं के लिए उन का नारा था -उठो, जागो और लक्ष्य की प्राप्ति होने तक रुको मत।
31मई, 1883को वह अमेरिका गए।
11सितंबर, 1883में शिकागोके विश्व धर्म सम्मेलन में उपस्थित होकर अपने संबोधन में सबको भाइयो और बहनोकह कर संबोधित किया।
इस आत्मीय संबोधन पर मुग्ध होकर सब बडी देर तक तालियां बजाते रहे। वहीं उन्होंने शून्य को ब्रह्म सिद्ध किया और भारतीय धर्म दर्शन अद्वैत वेदांत की श्रेष्ठता का डंका बजाया, उनका कहना था कि आत्मा से पृथक करके जब हम किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु से प्रेम करते हैं, तो उसका फल शोक या दु:ख होता है।
अत:हमें सभी वस्तुओं का उपयोग उन्हें आत्मा के अंतर्गत मान कर करना चाहिए या आत्म-स्वरूप मान कर करना चाहिए ताकि हमें कष्ट या दु:ख न हो। अमेरिका में चार वर्ष रहकर वह धर्म-प्रचार करते रहे तथा 1887में भारत लौट आए। फिर बाद में 18नवंबर,1896 को लंदन में अपने एक व्याख्यान में कहा था, मनुष्य जितना स्वार्थी होता है, उतना ही अनैतिक भी होता है।
उनका स्पष्ट संकेत अंग्रेजों के लिए था, किंतु आज यह कथन भारतीय समाज के लिए भी कितना अधिक सत्य सिद्ध हो रहा है? स्वामी विवेकानंद ने धर्म को मात्र कर्मकांड की निर्जीव क्रियाओं से निकाल कर सामाजिक परिवर्तन की दिशा में लगाने पर बल दिया। वह सच्चे मानवतावादी संत थे। अत:उन्होंने मनुष्य और उसके उत्थान और कल्याण को सर्वोपरि माना। इस धरातल पर सभी मानवों और उनके विश्वासों का महत्व देते हुए धार्मिक जड सिद्धांतों तथा सांप्रदायिक भेदभाव को मिटाने के आग्रह किए।
युवाओं के लिए उनका कहना था कि पहले अपने शरीर को हृष्ट-पुष्ट बनाओ, मैदान में जाकर खेलो, कसरत करो ताकि स्वस्थ-पुष्ट शरीर से धर्म-अध्यात्म ग्रंथों में बताए आदर्शो में आचरण कर सको। आज जरूरत है ताकत और आत्म विश्वास की, आप में होनी चाहिए फौलादी शक्ति और अदम्य मनोबल।
विवेकानंद ने शिक्षा को अध्यात्म से जोड कर कहा कि जिस संयम के द्वारा इच्छाशक्ति का प्रवाह और विकास वश में लाया जाता है और फलदायक होता है, वह शिक्षा कहलाती है। हमें तो ऐसी शिक्षा चाहिए जिससे चरित्र बने, मानसिक बल बढे, बुद्धि का विकास हो और जिससे मनुष्य अपने पैरों पर खडा हो सके।
पराधीन भारतीय समाज को उन्होंने स्वार्थ, प्रमाद व कायरता की नींद से झकझोर कर जगाया और कहा कि मैं एक हजार बार सहर्ष नरक में जाने को तैयार हूं यदि इससे अपने देशवासियों का जीवन-स्तर थोडा-सा भी उठा सकूं।
इस प्रकार एक सच्चे भारतीय संत की मर्यादा के अनुरूप स्वामी विवेकानंद ने अशिक्षा, अज्ञान, गरीबी तथा भूख से लडने के लिए अपने समाज को तैयार किया तो राष्ट्रीय चेतना जगाने, सांप्रदायिकता मिटाने, मानवतावादी संवेदनशील समाज बनाने की एक आध्यात्मिक नायक की भूमिका निभाते हुए 4जुलाई सन् 1902में कुल 39वर्ष की आयु में अपनी इहलीला समाप्त की।

(Courtesy: Shri Ramesh Chand Bairwa, Ajmer)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

An appeal for kidney donation

Shri A.R.Bhatnagar, Sr Faculty in ADM cadre at ZTC, Gurgaon (North Zone) is suffering from kidney-failure. His both kidneys have stopped working. As such, he is on regular dialysis for the last one and half years. His attending doctors have advised him for kidney transplant. He is on regular search for a kidney from different sources. Being a human-being, it is our duty to extend all possible help to such a person. As such, we request you all to kindly explore if a kidney can be made available to him as per following specifications:

1.       Age: Shri Bhatnagar(the recipient)’s age is 48.
     The Donor (one who will donate his / her kidney) – younger, the better; preferably between 20 & 40.
2.       Blood Group: Recipient’s (Shri Bhatnagar’s) blood group is ‘A+’.
       Donor: Donor’s blood group should be A+, A-’ or ‘O+, O-. He / she should not be diabetic or having BP problems.

Shri Bhatnagar’s regular physician is at Gurgaon (Haryana NCR). He wishes that if the transplant is done under his doctor’s supervision that would be better. The doctor desires that the transplant be done at his hospital, only then he would be able to render his supervision. As such, if the donor is ready to come to Gurgaon, that would be better.

There may be some poor person who wishes to donate his / her kidney. An assurance may please be given to such poor person that Shri Bhatnagar is ready to bear his / her post-operative expenses for recuperation.

Sometimes, some cases of accidents come to our knowledge where the chances of survival of the person (who met with accident) are nil, and the case is declared clinically dead. We might have our relatives / friends in hospitals. If such a requisition (of a kidney) is put in their knowledge, it is very likely that the personnel in hospitals may help us and we can get a kidney with the consent of relatives of the accidental case.

The mobile no. of Shri A.R.Bhatnagar is 09654775037. He feels convenient if talked between 11.00 a.m. & 12.00 noon. Anyone who wishes to contact him may call him on his mobile no. or email him at ar.bhatnagar@licindia.com or sri9hari9@gmail.com .

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

NOINO Nagpur Divl Unit – by example

Recently NOINO Nagpur Divisional Unit did 2 activities which are worth following by other Divisional Units and also Zonal Units:

1.      Pre-interview coaching: Office-bearers and activists of NOINO Nagpur Division arranged a pre-interview coaching on 6th December 2011 for aspiring candidates for promotion to the cadre of AAO from HGA. Total 20 candidates took coaching and out of these 18 became successful. Our heartiest congratulations to the successful candidates as also the Faculties who taught them. The faculties were all from NOINO and they touched all subjects – from day-to-day working-subjects of office to personal etiquettes and confidence-building.

2.      Lady-delegation met Sr D.M.: An exclusive lady-delegation of NOINO Nagpur Divn met Sr D.M. of Nagpur Division on 31.12.2011 and discussed issues related to lady officers of the Division. The delegation was led by Smt Madhuri Barve, Lady-wing I/c, NOINO Nagpur. She was accompanied by Smt Madhuri Gandhi, Smt Nilambari Joshi, Smt Megha Joshi and Smt Meghana Sangitrao – all NOINO activists. Besides other issues, they mainly discussed:
(a)    Posting of lady officers with minimum displacement, and
(b)    Transfer of lady officers to their desired places in one year i.e. the next round of promotion.
The Sr D.M. was positive on both the issues. The delegation further hinted the Sr DM that if these 2 issues were considered favourably, it was very likely that the Division would see more lady officers in future.

Our compliments to NOINO Nagpur Divisional Unit! Other Zonal / Divisional Units are requested to take such initiatives.